Thursday, July 20, 2017

The Alice Network

The Alice Network

Rating: 4/5

Summary: (x)

My Thoughts:

This was one of my most anticipated reads of the year and it did not disappoint. I loved all the characters and the switching back and forth between time periods. It was so well written and worth my time to read it. I could not put this book down and I had to keep reading. This book draws you in and won't let you leave. There are so many layers to this book and all the stories come together in the end.


The story revolves around two main characters, Charlie and Eve. The story takes place in the past in 1915 and in the present in 1945. It tells Eve's story and connects it to Charlie's story. Charlie's story takes her to France as she tries to find out what happened to her cousin and to be punished by her parents for getting pregnant out of wedlock. That is where Eve comes in she has connections that might help Charlie find her cousin. That is were there stories meet and the action begins. The plot is fast paced and so good.


There are three main ones Charlie, Eve, and Finn. Charlie is a well written character who is strong willed and knows what she wants. Eve is a tortured character who is not very easy very easy to get along with. Finn helps her and he has interesting past including his service in WWII. They are all well written and make the story more enjoyable.

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